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My name is Jay (Joe) Lujan.  I was born and raised in Texas and moved to Kansas in 2001. My life may not have been the hardest or the easiest, but it has had its own ups and downs.  My fitness and well-being journey has not been easy. I was a fit athlete in high school and college weighing 225 lbs. and eating like a horse, but life happens and one day I went to the store to buy a pair of pants and realized I was a 50-inch waist and 385 lbs! “How could this have happened?!” I asked myself. I was embarrassed. I took time to myself to find what mattered and decided that if I wanted to be around for my grandchildren, then something would have to DRASTICALLY change. 12 years ago, I re-started my fitness journey…on a treadmill thinking "how silly”, only to realize that it took me 25 minutes to go a mile! That’s when the realization hit me that the journey won’t be easy nor will it end; after all, it had taken me 18 years to put on the weight and it wasn’t going to just disappear.


I have had a lot of personal struggles and accomplishments since starting this journey in my life. In late 2017 I met someone who encouraged me like I always wanted to encourage others, I wanted to be part of his vision. Now I am part of his vision, and I love to help others push through those obstacles in life and be an encouraging factor in their lives.  I want to help others as I have been helped. AAO has helped me become the person I want to be, watching others hit their fitness and wellness goals is so gratifying that I want to be able to share that with the world.  Let AAO become a part of your journey. AAO is so much more than just fitness; we are friends, and we encourage each other in a world that is so negative, let us all be a positive influence in your life.  


I now weigh 240 lbs., I am happy and my heart is full. All you have to do is make the choice to trust the process, you do not have to face the mountain alone. Take my hand and we will face mountains together.  

Contact Jay

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